Best Movie Scenes: 549 Memorable Bank Robberies, Car Chases, Duels, Haircuts, Job Interviews, Swearing Scenes, Window Scenes and Others, by Topic, Second Edition

Man, oh, man, how I truly wanted to love — or even just like — Best Movie Scenes, because I find film-related lists a blast to read. One of my favorite parts of my recent Christmas-to-New-Year’s vacation was poring over all 288 small-print pages of 10 Bad Dates with De Niro: A Book of Alternative … Continue reading Best Movie Scenes: 549 Memorable Bank Robberies, Car Chases, Duels, Haircuts, Job Interviews, Swearing Scenes, Window Scenes and Others, by Topic, Second Edition

If You Like Quentin Tarantino … Here Are Over 200 Films, TV Shows, and Other Oddities That You Will Love

Limelight Editions has put out half a dozen If You Like … pop-culture guidebooks over the last year, using everything from The Beatles to The Sopranos as jumping-off points for recommended media, but Katherine Rife’s If You Like Quentin Tarantino … is the most logical of them yet. Why? Because Tarantino is the perfect subject … Continue reading If You Like Quentin Tarantino … Here Are Over 200 Films, TV Shows, and Other Oddities That You Will Love