WTF is Flick Attack?

Just what the Internet needs: another effin’ movie site!

But Flick Attack is different: We’ll have no news. No scoops. No rumors. No set reports. Just one kick-ass review a day, Monday through Friday, with the occasional article on Saturday to make your weekend that much awesomer.

Yep, that’s right: Every day you get one review, so take it or leave it. While everyone else pees their pants over multiplex releases that haven’t even been released yet, we’re gonna dig through our archives and toss out something that’s most likely not playing a theater near you. Maybe you’ve heard of it; maybe you haven’t; maybe it’s easy to find; maybe it’s not — doesn’t matter, and we don’t care. You will read it, and you will like it.

So if you like discovering cinematic trash-terpieces, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve got horror, sci-fi, action, kung fu, comedy and sex. But no drama. If it’s tears you want, we’ll be happy to kick you in the shin.

Flick Attack is brought to you by those cool guys behind Bookgasm. When’s this start going down? When we feel like it. Follow us on that Twitter thing if you wanna be updated. Or don’t. See if we care.

Oh, yeah — pay you no mind to the ugliness of this page. We’re gonna clean it up just as soon as we get our hands on the throat of the numbskull who made it. We’ll use the blood from his smashed melon to paint it up real nice.

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