All posts by Rod Lott

China Strike Force (2000)

In this English-language actioner from Hong Kong, two cops (one of whom is Aaron Kwok of Storm Riders, although they look so much like twins, I could hardly tell them apart) are out to quash a mob ring that, for the first time, is channeling drugs into mainland China.

Heading the operation is cocksure Mark Dacascos (Brotherhood of the Wolf), eager to work out the details of a $14 million coke transaction with his visiting supplier, played by rap star Coolio, who must’ve had it worked into his contract to have his character be named Coolio as well. Three times he says, “Man, I could get used to this shit!” Assisting them is a mysterious cutie not afraid to strip naked when she’s accused of wearing a wire.

For all its flaws — not much of a story, Coolio — China Strike Force delivers in the action department. From the opening training sequence, the film moves to a foot chase on a busy highway with the pursued and pursuer eventually jumping from moving vehicle to moving vehicle. There’s also a great, high-octane car chase between a Lamborghini and a race car, plus several rounds of martial-arts showdowns. But the biggest and best stunt is saved for last, with the characters battling on a constantly tilting plate-glass window suspended high above the city.

Not surprisingly, old pro Stanley Tong — director of several Jackie Chan films, including Rumble in the Bronx and Supercop — is behind the camera and guides his affable leads to direct-to-video greatness. Be sure and stick around for the Chan-tastic ouch-takes at the end credits. —Rod Lott

Buy it at Amazon.

Sinderella and the Golden Bra (1964)

This Sinderella story is just like Disney’s Cinderella, but live-action and with exposed B cups. Suzanne Sybele stars as Sinderella, a pretty but picked-upon young woman who basically serves as slave to her evil stepmother and her two hideous daughters.

They won’t let Sin go to the royal ball, but to her rescue comes Fairy Godfather Sydney Lassick (Cheswick from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest), fitting her with a golden bra and other grand articles of clothing. At the ball, the masked Sin has a grand time dancing with Prince David, who falls for her hard. But she stays too long and her clothes fall off, so she flees, leaving behind her golden bra and a mystery as to who she is.

Feeling sorry for his son, the king decrees that all maidens in the village must try on the bra. Whoever possesses the boobs that fit into it perfectly must be the prince’s intended princess, so he and his assistants go door to door and have various women expose their various-sized breasts and try on the undergarment. Just when he’s given up hope, the prince finds Sinderella and thankfully, it fits her tits!

This is one of those nudie-cuties that manages to make female nudity seem rather tame, if not downright dull. But you gotta love the concept, even if it is prefaced with a puppet-laden credit sequence, too-tight tights for all the men, several musical numbers (the first of which has the king sing while topless chicks play with yarn), school-play staging and Lassick playing a scene in drag, effectively putting the “fairy” in “fairy tale.” —Rod Lott

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3 Terrible Uschi Digard Movies with Not-Terrible Uschi Digard Sex Scenes

Raquel’s Hotel (1970) — Uschi runs a cheap motel, where she rents a room to an eager newlywed couple. She watches eagerly from the window outside as the two consummate their marriage. Horny, she brings the woman back to her room for some lesbo lovin’ while the husband stays behind and gets the maid from behind. Then all four get together in the same room and it’s a freakin’ free-for-all. Since all the voices were dubbed in later, this is the kind of movie where the people act mostly with their hands (or, in Uschi’s case, gigantic breasts).

Below the Belt (1971) — Quite memorably, Uschi enjoys a poolside romp in this tale of a boxer and the Mafia. She doesn’t even seem to mind the sudden entrance of a curious dog. Now that’s acting!

The Melon Affair (1972) — This goofy, harmless Italian comedy also known as, appropriately, Bang! Bang! The Mafia Gang, stars Woody Allen lookalike/soundalike Frank Corsentino in a slapstick-heavy tale of a virgin nerd who still lives with his nagging mom and dreams about sex all day. During a catering gig, he gets mixed up with the Mafia — with crazy results! Said results include a messy round of sex or two with Russ Meyer regular Haji, but for my money, Uschi steals the show as one of Frank’s daydreams, a topless nurse who smothers him with her fluffy white pillows. The reasons are obvious. —Rod Lott

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The Last House on the Left (1972)

Attention, The Last House on the Left: Your reputation as a horror landmark is at stake. I call shenanigans! “Keep repeating: It’s only a movie …” and not a good one.

Yes, it has blood. Yes, it has rape. Yes, it has scenes of more unrelenting violence. But it also has slapstick comedy with rednecks, complete with “wacky” music. And a near-toothless African-American woman who would seem at home on a MADtv sketch. And dare I even mention the banjo-pop soundtrack with songs about the villains? Bad guys’ themes should not be played on the instrument most associated with TV’s Hee Haw.

But onto the story, which marks the screenwriting and directorial debut of Wes Craven, who later would birth terror icons in Freddy Krueger, Ghostface and whoever Meryl Streep played in that violin movie: Virginal 17-year-old Mari Collingwood (Sandra Cassell, Teenage Hitchhikers) and her best pal (Lucy Grantham) have the unfortunate experience of trying to score pot, but instead running into a felonious foursome led by Krug (David Hess, instantly typecast).

Krug’s so evil, he got his own son (Marc Sheffler) hooked on heroin. Weasel (Fred Lincoln) is a child molester, and Sadie (Jeramie Rain, later Mrs. Richard Dreyfuss) is merely a psycho bitch from hell. Rape and murder ensue, then the tables are turned when car trouble puts Team Krug as guests in the Collingwood home.

Craven and company’s absolute amateur-hour efforts kill whatever power was intended. That’s not to say what Krug and f(r)iends do isn’t horrible; it is. But torture of characters doth not a good movie make, and there’s nothing offered — original or otherwise — to elevate Last House. I even think some of its many rip-offs do the same story far better — Italy’s Night Train Murders, for one — and Hollywood’s vastly superior 2009 remake boasts suspense and style. Yeah, I said it. —Rod Lott

Buy it at Amazon.