The Tank (2023)

Although made in New Zealand, The Tank is set on the coast of Oregon, U.S. of A. There stands a dilapidated house Ben has inherited from his late mother. Since he never knew it existed, Ben (Matt Whalen, Hugh Hefner in TV’s American Playboy) drives up with his wife (Luciane Buchanan, TV’s The Night Agent) and their daughter (Zara Nausbaum) to see the property.

Accessible by movable tile in the yard is a dark, spacious well with nipple-deep water. And, as they come to find, an oily, amphibious, turd-shaped creature with a vaginal mouth baring teeth like stubby needles. As played by circus performer Regina Hegemann in a suit, this thing keeps The Tank from sinking and viewers on their toes; CGI simply would immediately neuter the suspense that writer/director Scott Walker (The Frozen Ground) skillfully builds.

The monster’s attacks are forceful and furtive, sometimes stemming from a crouch like a spider, waiting to pounce. Scenes where characters slosh through the titular tank prove especially effective, as if Jaws were in an enclosed space. Er, let’s make that Jaws 2, lest you read that as a top-to-bottom endorsement. Walker hasn’t built The Tank to perform like a lightning-bolt blockbuster; it’s a slow burn that runs hot when it needs to. Remember, patience is a virtue. —Rod Lott

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The Worst We Can Find: MST3K, Rifftrax, and the History of Heckling at the Movies

I completely understand why a chunk of cult-film fandom loathes Mystery Science Theater 3000; to paraphrase singer and arrest magnet Bobby Brown, that’s their prerogative. Speaking for myself, however, I wouldn’t be here — as in, this site — without it, as the TV show introduced me to a netherworld of movies I was unaware of, and pushed me to discover more. (You can read more about that in the introduction to my book, Flick Attack Movie Arsenal.)

Needless to say, you know right away whether Dale Sherman’s The Worst We Can Find: MST3K, Rifftrax, and the History of Heckling at the Movies is for you. The paperback is new from Applause Theatre & Cinema Books, his frequent publisher (Armageddon Films FAQ, Quentin Tarantino FAQ, et al.).

Despite the subtitle, this is the history of Joel Hodgson’s long-running Peabody Award-winning series first and foremost, with everything else adjacent or tangential. In fact, skip the first chapter on the origins of heckling (if the phrase “According to Merriam-Webster” doesn’t make you do so already) and get right into the goods with a look at MST3K precursors, from Woody Allen’s What’s Up, Tiger Lily? to the syndicated TV show Mad Movies with the L.A. Connection. (Speaking of, Mike White’s 2014 book of the same name covers even more forerunners.)

From there, Sherman paints a full picture of the series’ evolution from local UHF sensation in Minneapolis to the national stage, where it was juggled among a couple of channels, revived for streaming and resurrected yet again for its current, crowdfunded home on the internet. You may know all of that already, but Sherman fills in the details of the writing process, the constant budget constraints, how films were selected, which ones they admit didn’t work, why each cast member left, the in-fighting behind the scenes, the battles with Hollywood to make Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie and all the members’ side projects, riff-related or otherwise (mostly the former).

Even if Sherman didn’t conduct the interviews that revealed these details, he certainly did his homework. The Worst We Can Find gives a thorough overview of the series, breezing by at a level firmly between a cursory flyover and a nails-dirty dig into the weeds. Really, going straight down the middle is the right call: It’s accessible without lacking substance, and comprehensive without veering into the arcane or anal-retentive. So what if the author’s lightly peppered stabs at humor fizz like a day-old Dr Pepper? He’s writing about a show he loves so much, it’s natural Sherman get caught in the enthusiasm. If his passion hadn’t come through is when we would worry. —Rod Lott

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The Mummy and the Curse of the Jackals (1969)

If you think the title of The Mummy and the Curse of the Jackals is clumsy, wait until you see the movie. No, really — as the crosswalks for the blind warn aloud every few seconds, wait!

The final film (at least that weren’t X-rated) for Western director Oliver Drake, the tacky Jackals finds archaeologist Dave (Anthony Eisley, The Doll Squad) obsessed with the well-preserved corpse of an Egyptian princess (belly dancer Marliza Pons) with a breastplate apparently made of Cinnabons. Dave asks his pal, Bob (Robert Alan Browne, Psycho III), to lock him inside for the night: “What could possibly happen?” Dave says. “This is Nevada, good ol’ USA.”

Yeah, even though a full moon is out (I see a bad movie rising), it’s not like he’s gonna catch the curse of the jackals.

Dave catches the curse of the jackals. This means his hands turn into paws that appear inflated to 45 psi and he dons the werewolf head from the same year’s sexploitation oddity, Dracula (the Dirty Old Man), which shares writer/producer William Edwards. On his first outing, Jackal Dave slays a couple of cops who scream out of sync.

On the plus side, the princess resurrects! Although her face looks like an unfinished clay sculpture, Human Dave is entranced and informs her of double-date plans: “You better change. Bob and Donna want to have dinner with us,” he says, before teaching her about bras. Meeting Bob and Donna (TV actress Maurine Dawson) at a steakhouse, he introduces the pharaoh’s daughter using the nom de plume of Connie: “She’s not from here. She comes from … back east.”

Meanwhile, a pop-eyed mummy (Saul Goldsmith) in grubby bandages awakens, strangles a stripper, busts through a paper-thin wall, interrupts the steakhouse’s stage show, kidnaps Connie and limps down the Vegas strip without a film permit as onlookers laugh. You’ll relate.

With John Carradine cameoing as a professor and painfully inert flashbacks to 4,800 years prior, The Mummy and the Curse of the Jackals is a howl and a half. That’s in spite of — or because of — slapdash editing and snuff-film lighting that look paid for by a bucket of coins swiped from Marge from Boise at the penny slots. —Rod Lott

Get it at dvdrparty.

Maximum Truth (2023)

Maximum Truth’s premise is so close to how the game of politics is played today, it’s not even funny. Luckily, the movie is.

The mockumentary follows political consultant Rick Klingman (Blockers’ Ike Barinholtz) on his latest assignment: digging up dirt on a California Congressional candidate (Max Minghella, 2021’s Spiral) who appears to be squeaky-clean.

Like that will ever stop Klingman — grifters gotta grift. For help, he ropes in his backward-capped bro bud, Simon (The Maze Runner himself, Dylan O’Brien), a protein-powder entrepreneur. Their boneheaded investigations lead them to the candidate’s former classmates, past co-workers, mere acquaintances — hell, anybody — who might point them to sexual harassment cases, sex tapes and other potential reputation besmirchers. At every turn, they fail with spectacular incompetence. Even with the crap allegations they invent.

Halfway through, I realized Klingman and Simon are basically the intentionally funny versions of real-life conspiracy theorists/convicted felons Jack Burkman and Jacob Wohl. Barinholtz and his co-scripter, director David Stassen, allow viewers to draw parallels from the duo’s chicanery without smacking them across the face while asking, “Didja get it?” Another good example: After we meet Klingman leading a protest against a play about a gay Abe Lincoln, we meet his “roommate,” Marco (comedian Tony Rodriguez, stealing each scene); rather than underline the hypocrisy, the film lets it exist without comment.

With choice bits from Beth Grant (Little Miss Sunshine) as Klingman’s pain pill-popping benefactor, Kiernan Shipka (Sally from TV’s Mad Men) as a gun-loving would-be donor and comedian Jena Friedman (one of the funniest people on the planet, period), Maximum Truth feels more outlined than scripted, meaning I suspect the film is largely the result of improvisation.

That’s all fine and dandy since I laughed to myself throughout. I laughed out loud — and I mean loud — once, right after Klingman compares Simon to Jason Bourne; not top-of-mind known for comedy, O’Brien reacts with a move that’s entirely physical and one of the most hilarious things I’ve seen all year. I just wish the climax, lacking proper payoff, packed half that much punch. —Rod Lott

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Santo in the Wax Museum (1963)

Everyone from Gary Cooper to Gandhi guests in the eighth of luchador Santo’s escapades. So what if they’re basically sculpted candles in a Mexico waxworks? They help make Santo in the Wax Museum a field trip worth taking. Get those permission slips signed early, kids.

Said museum is owned by Dr. Karol (Claudio Brook, Cronos), who’s particularly proud of the horror figures in the basement: Mr. Hyde, Quasimodo, Frankenstein’s monster, the Wolfman, the Phantom of the Opera. Despite all being fictional characters, Karol deems them “faithful reproductions.” Some stand noticeably more still than others.

When a foxy magazine photographer (Roxana Bellini, The Brainiac) doing a story on the place becomes the third visitor to vanish of late, Dr. K falls under the authorities’ glare of suspicion. They call upon El Santo and his sparkle cape to help find the kidnappers — well, between matches in the ring, naturally.

Is it possible that Karol’s time in a Nazi concentration camp infused him with mad-scientist leanings? You already knew the answer by paragraph 2. You wanna watch anyway. I get it. I feel the same, although — heresy alert! — I have no patience for its long wrestling sequences, even as I recognize the Santo series wouldn’t exist otherwise. One of Santo in the Wax Museum’s bouts pits our hero against El Tigre del Ring.

Taking inspiration from the then-decade-old House of Wax, director Alfonso Corona Blake follows up his first Santo pic, 1962’s Santo vs. the Vampire Women, but never made another. Both in black and white, the Blake joints were among the quartet dubbed for Yanks by K. Gordon Murray. —Rod Lott

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