What I really want for Christmas is a new drone. One with a camera and that goes real real fast.
If you get me this drone, I will be very very happy. I will make a movie with it. It will be about an ambulance that gets taken by bank robbers and is chased all over Los Angeles by the police cars and helicopters. I might even call the movie Ambulance. Maybe I will get a big star like Jake Jillinhall Gillinhall Gillenhal G. to star in it. He’s good!
I could use the drone to do lots and lots of cool camera tricks. It could swoop down streets real real fast or hover over their heads. I might even want to use it like in normal shots where the people who make real movies wouldn’t use it. Maybe if I make those shots super duper quick like a split second, no one will know.
But mostly I just want to use the drone a lot! I really really want people to watch my movie and then say “Hey he got a new drone!”
So please please bring me that drone. I gave you half an Oreo.
Your friend,
Mikey Bay
—Rod Lott